
Theodore Theofrastous

Cleveland, OHIO


About Theodore Theofrastous

Attorney Theodore C. Theofrastous is the principal lawyer at his own firm, The Law Offices of T.C. Theofrastous, ltd, in Cleveland, Ohio.

The Law Offices of T.C. Theofrastous have been operational since 2007; it focuses on corporate and non-profit counsel, technology law, corporate finance and venture transactions, IP strategies and commercialization.

Theofrastous is experienced in the field of high technology commercialization and investment, both as a business architect and as an attorney. He counsels clients in legal and business issues across a range of technologies, including healthcare, IT, communications, alternative energy and nanotechnology. He works extensively in the field of private investment, including venture, private equity, Opportunity Zone funds, and historic tax credits.

Theofrastous is also the Director of Idenergy, a renewable energy solutions company based in Montreal, Canada and an adjunct professor at the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland.

He earned his degree in international law (JD) from the Case Western Reserve University. He has a bachelor’s degree from Marlboro College in the state of Vermont.

Theofrastous is a member of several bar associations, including the American Bar Association and the Ohio State Bar Association. He is also part of the Association of University Technology Managers and the Licensing Executive Society.

He can speak French apart from English.


The Law Offices of T.C. Theofrastous, ltd.


11320 Hessler Road, Cleveland



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