About Peter Valleau

Peter Valleau is a real estate broker. He is currently vice president of SVN Commercial Real Estate Advisors, based in its San Diego, California, office.

SVN, founded in 1987, is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. The firm works in the corporate real estate, leasing, hospitality, distressed assets, office, multifamily and development industries, among others. It has offices throughout the United States.

Valleau specializes in the Opportunity Zone space, as well as in investment acquisitions and dispositions, 1031 exchanges, eminent domain and condemnation. Over a 20-year period, he has produced an average IRR exceeding 30% for clients. His total transaction volume has been in excess of $360 million, with an average transaction value of $6.5 million.

For Opportunity Zones, he represents both buyers and sellers in their transactions.

Prior to joining SVN in 2012, Valleau worked at American Airlines as a regional sales and marketing manager, as well as a commercial investment broker for Marcus & Millichap, among other positions.

Valleau has a bachelor’s degree in marketing, administration and finance from York University.


SVN Commercial Real Estate Advisors


2208 Linwood Street, San Diego



OZ Verified

  • OpportunityZone.com found no public criminal record on BeenVerified.com
  • Active Broker License in good standing
What does it mean to be a VERIFIED member on OpportunityZone.com?

OpportunityZone.com verifies real estate brokers before placing them on this website. Not all professionals pass the verification process, and we are not paid by members in any way for verified badges. The entire verification process is performed by OpportunityZone.com staff members based in Irvine, California.

We perform a general background check on the member by using BeenVerified.com’s online background check tool. Refer to the disclaimer on BeenVerified.com for details since BeenVerified.com is not a comprehensive database and can miss certain records.

If we encounter any serious criminal violations on BeenVerified.com, this disqualifies the applicant from obtaining the verified badge from OpportunityZone.com. For real estate brokers that do business in the united states, a staff member on our team uses best efforts to check the broker is in good standing with the real estate department of the state in which they do business.

The verified badge does not mean or represent that the broker has experience or specializes in opportunity zones. Please consult the state real estate department or other government-based sites for more information on a particular broker. Also, use your own diligence to vet any professionals on our website, we don’t make any representations of the qualifications of the professionals listed.