About Marc Landis

Marc Landis is an attorney. He is currently the managing partner and chairman of the executive committee of Phillips Nizer LLP, based in New York.

The mid-sized firm practices in a variety of areas, including real estate and government relations, litigation, employment law, labor law and financial services. Landis has been with Phillips Nizer for nearly 14 years.

Maintaining a diverse real estate and corporate transactional practice, Landis focuses on the acquisition, development and preservation of affordable housing, commercial leasing matters, representation of lenders and borrowers in real estate financing transactions, loan workouts and foreclosures, architectural and construction agreements, and the representation of cooperative corporations and condominium associations.

Landis served on the executive board of the Council of New York Cooperatives and Condominiums, and he is the past chairperson of the New York City chapter of Citizen Action of New York. In 2015, Landis was awarded a Distinguished Achievement Award for Corporate Social Responsibility by City and State Reports. He has also been recognized by Manhattan Legal Services, Legal Services of New York and the New York State Bar Association for his pro bono work.

Landis earned his master’s degree from New York University and a Juris Doctor from the University of Pennsylvania. He has bachelor’s degree in politics from Princeton University.


Phillips Nizer


485 Lexington Avenue, New York



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  • Active BAR member in good standing
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